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From Volleyball Star To Nba Coachs Wife

Lisa Keeth: The Inspiring Story of an Athlete, Wife, and Mother

From Volleyball Star to NBA Coach's Wife

Lisa Keeth, born Lisa Michelle Cliver, is widely known as the wife of professional basketball coach Monty Williams. Prior to her marriage, she was a talented volleyball player, showcasing her skills on the court. Their paths crossed when Monty, then a player for the New York Knicks, reportedly met Lisa at a game in 1995.

An Athlete's Heart, a Loving Wife's Soul

Lisa's passion for sports was evident from a young age. She excelled in volleyball, earning recognition as an outstanding player. Though her athletic career ended due to an injury, her competitive spirit and determination remain evident in her personal and family life. As a wife and mother of five children, Lisa provides unwavering support to her family. She is known for her warm and caring nature, creating a welcoming and loving environment for her loved ones. Lisa's ability to balance her commitments as both an athlete and a family caregiver is truly inspiring.

A Glimpse into Lisa Keeth's Personal Life

Beyond her public role as Monty Williams's wife, Lisa Keeth maintains a private life dedicated to her family and personal growth. She has been described as a compassionate and humble individual, always willing to lend a helping hand. Information about Lisa's early life and family history is not widely available, as she chooses to keep those aspects of her life private. However, her commitment to her husband and children is evident in her actions and words.


Lisa Keeth is a remarkable woman whose story embodies resilience, determination, and love. From her days as a volleyball star to her role as a devoted wife and mother, she has been an inspiration to many. Her quiet strength and unwavering support for her family make her a true role model.
