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O Death Rock Me Asleep

Anne Boleyn's Heartbreaking Plea for Release from Pain and Death

The Tragic Queen's Final Words

WEB O Death, O Death rock me asleepe Bring me to quiet rest Let pass my weary guiltless ghost

WEB DEATH rock me asleep Bring me to quiet rest Let pass my weary guiltless ghost

In her darkest hour, the ill-fated Anne Boleyn penned a poignant poem that eloquently captured her agony and longing for release. This heart-rending text, known as "O Death, Rock Me Asleep," provides a glimpse into the tormented soul of a woman facing her own mortality. Sentenced to death for treason by her fickle husband, King Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn found herself consumed by despair. Her physical and emotional pain reached unbearable heights, prompting her to cry out to Death as her only solace. In the opening lines of the poem, Anne Boleyn compares herself to a ghost, a disembodied spirit longing for peace. She pleads with Death to take her away from her earthly torment, to grant her the eternal rest that has eluded her in life. The repetition of the phrase "rock me asleep" conveys Anne Boleyn's desire for oblivion, a release from the agony that grips her. She yearns to be cradled in Death's embrace, her weary spirit finally lulled into slumber. The poet's use of the phrase "guiltless ghost" suggests that Anne Boleyn believed herself to be innocent of the crimes for which she was condemned. Despite her unwavering protestations, the king's wrath had condemned her to a cruel fate. Throughout the poem, Anne Boleyn's voice resonates with both anguish and resignation. She acknowledges the inevitability of her own demise, yet she cannot help but express her longing for a gentle and peaceful end. In the final lines of the poem, Anne Boleyn's plea becomes even more desperate. She implores Death to "let pass [her] weary guiltless ghost," to free her from the earthly bonds that hold her captive. "O Death, Rock Me Asleep" stands as a poignant testament to the tragic fate of Anne Boleyn, a woman whose life was cut short by the whims of a tyrannical king. Her haunting words continue to resonate with audiences today, a timeless reminder of the power of poetry to express the depths of human suffering and loss.
